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Face to Face with Social Networking

by Y. R. Dubey

Together we Stand!

Together we Stand!

Give Patient Ear to get Eye ball Attention!

Soon after I opened an account with and installed The Bar, I encountered with an exhaustive list of unusual sites in ?Members Area - Share The Bar? recommended for promoting my Powerbarclub Link, each site demanding to open an account.
That?s O.K., but to develop friendship and make friends before you promote your business was really too much to digest for me.
What about Safelist submitters, Autosurfs, Autoresponders, Auto-pilots, Traffic Exchanges, Link Rotators not a single name familiar to me was mentioned, where I already have my account and with click of a button my link goes to millions of unknown prospects. Am I here to develop relationships like kids, or to market a New Opportunity as a Senior Executive?
On the face, the new method was very time consuming and demanding great patience. I neither have Time nor the Patience, so decided to vigorously promote my PowerBar with conventional methods of bombarding all over the Internet with Robotic Auto running ?Promo Tools?, most of them proudly reporting back to me of blasting my ad to so many hundreds, thousands or millions of prospects.
My feeling was nothing less than a Knight at War, killing the enemy army men in millions with a single Push of a Button.
Invaders Strike Back in Disguise!
The Robots never sleep, nor do they realize the pain of breaking someone?s sleep. In a day light at San Francisco, not realizing the eleven and half an hours of Time Lag, a server flashed a call to a township in Central India - where I was in deep sleep.
Thinking of some friend in distress I immediately jumped out of my bed to pick up the call, but soon realized that an idiotic robot was trying to sell me a Life Insurance Policy. With half a sleep state of my mind somehow I punched my ancient date of birth.
Quick response was ?Sorry our Policy is not for the people of your age? and ?klick?! I really wanted to hit someone instantly with the handset - the immediate weapon in my hand. But this enemy has NO FACE. Contemplating the whole night to regain my patience somehow, I gathered myself for the breakfast next morning.
My wife handed me over my lively cell phone rocking on a melodious tune and flashing lights all over its plastic body. Expecting first success of the day, I clicked the ?call button? and lovingly said ?Helloooo!? but in response I had to listen to a Recorded Voice of a girl from my ISP server, pushing me hard to select a romantic ?Caller Tune? and buy it with regular monthly charges.
It crossed all limits of my control and I exploded ?Who on earth needs romantic tunes.? There was NO ONE to listen except my wife, starring at me with her mouth half open. Again the faceless enemy struck back to spoil my breakfast and my married life.
But soon I became an unconscious competent to handle such calls and my thumb will immediately choke the OFF button with the first word uttered from such caller, even in my sleep.
I was expecting thousands to fall in my SHARE, but Alas! It is constantly showing a big Zero. What went wrong? Is the faceless enemy hacking and sucking my downline?
O.K., I quickly changed my Passward, Subject Line, Ad Script, Graphics - bombarded and blasted my ad again and again on Saturday, Sunday and Every Day, but
the success was no where near to my visibility. Cloud of confusion was thickening around me .
What to do? And Whom to believe? My Reality was not meeting anywhere with the Virtuality of Internet world. Finally, the Knight lost the War and returned back to his Primary business.
INBOX Fight - My Daily Task!
At rest, my consciousness returned back to me, the self. I tried to figure out what do I do to the emails which invade everyday to my Indox. Of course it is an invasion of my territory. No matter, they may be offering the whole Earth of Opportunity, who asked for it?
I mercilessly eliminate them without paying much attention to such invaders. If they have great Auto Submitters and Auto Responders, Well I have ?Filters? in my ?Gmail? to ?Trash? them out. They can see their Dollars drained in the trash every day.
The ?Enemies? attack with their ?Lead Capture Page? - Am I just a ?Lead? to be captured and milked for my hard earned money? They try to almost blind me with the glare of ?Flash Pages? - to which I simply close my eyes. And what to talk of ?Solo Ads? when I can?t even remember the contents of a single hoarding on my way to home.
Even if I work whole day on Internet, at the end I wouldn?t remember a single ad that has invaded my Inbox. I became foolproof insensitive to all such Auto driven Robotic approaches.
These robots talk straight, never ask about me, my family, my kids, my pets, my Holidays, my Camel, Cow or Car. They have Smart Electronic Brain, but NO Heart.
Soon I realized that my ads and emails must also be receiving similar treatment when they reach the Inboxes of the prospects. People in general have gone insensitive to aggressive methods of marketing.
Great Journey - From Brain to Heart
BUT Yes! I do definitely remember if some human being said ?Hi? or ?Hay? to me, and atleast I can never forget that the human being was a Man or a Woman - and wish I would return back to him or her one day. Oh! Do I really starve for a human touch, a friend.
Unwillingly, I was looking at Pictures someone posted in my Inbox and could read a few of Unwritten Words - my heart said - he looks kind or friendly may be he will join me, help me or atleast guide me to right path, he is responsible, he has a family, kids, pets, enjoying his holidays at some remote place and proudly poses against his newly bought Car, looks to be a successful man.
I thought I met a real Man and replied back to him. In the course of Time he narrated His ?Success Story? and I never knew when he made an ?Offer? wrapped in a silky layer of ?Friendship? saying ?I will Help YOU!? - to which I could NOT resist.
He guided me to a group of like minded friends anxious to know ?me? and my ?offer?. Soon I realized I am clubbed to a friendly Social Network where we ?Chat Live? for hours and SOMETIMES talk about our business promotion.
Now the Warrior transformed in to a Companion, is comfortably placed in many friendly clubs mentioned in the Members Area and promotes his business among ever growing list of Closely Knitted Friends.

Hay ! You are Close to MY Brunette !!!

Y. R. Dubey
Member, PIP

Comments for Face to Face with Social Networking

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Delighted !
by: Y. R. Dubey

THANKS Tanvir,

You have rightly said so. I am glad to read your comment.

by: tanvir ahmed

I read your scripts . Its good and benefit the members of their Power bar club account.

by: tanvir ahmed

I read your scripts . Its good and benefit the members of their PBC account.

Dripping Cents will FLOOD your account !
by: Y. R. Dubey

Dear Charles,

Presently I am getting per day 2-3 ads. of 3 cents each, but they say 10 cent ads. will be available soon. I am from India and have some territorial disadvantage and hence my downline is still not showing.

However, If you are from U.S.A. or Canada, you might get full advantage very soon. Person alone can not earn any sizable amount, but if you have downline of active members who can just click on ADS button of the Bar during their usual surfing on Internet, you will add sizable amount in your account without doing ANYTHING.

Anyone made money
by: Charles

But have YOU made money???

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