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Fundraising ideas


An Alternative to Traditional Fundraising...

This unique fundraising opportunity is made possible through "The Bar", a downloadable, simple to use, interactive, membership based tool bar. utilizing the "Invite5" ( ) concept. The difference between The Bar and other toolbars-MONEY. The Bar is a private communication channel between members and international advertisers through the Ads by ER Exchange.

With the Free Get The Bar International Fundraising program, your local, national or international non-profit or for profit organization and it's members/supporters can enjoy an uniquely and absolutely free and on-going fundraising solution that requires no buying or selling of products, no inventory or keeping up with orders and absolutely no investment of any kind at any time.

An Alternative To Traditional Fundraising...

With Traditional fundraisers, members/supporters of an organization are normally required to sell a certain product or service for a commission based on the percentage of sales generated. That commission is then distributed to that organization one time. With the Boloto Group's Get The Bar Fundraising Program, not only does your organization benefit, but also your members, month after month. They too share in the advertising revenue which in turn creates an incentive for those members to share with others. As their personal organization and income grows, so does YOUR Organization's. The organization or individual can watch , in real time, as their organization and earnings grow. Again, absolutely free for all.

Your Organizations Earnings...

If a non-profit, these dollars are distributed as donations. For profit, the dollars are a distribution of funds. Each of your member's earnings are a combination revenue share of their own Ads by ER interactions and the interactions of their viral friends through 7 invite levels. An unlimited FREE monthly income stream for your organization and your members.

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Apr 28, 2010
Secure Second Income Stream?
by: James


I just wanted to share with you a video that will show you how you can save and make additional income to invest in your homebased business.

To see the video just copy and past the link below on your web browser and click enter to watch your free video.


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