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Hello all, I'm really really new at the powerbarclub.

by Jimmy
(North carolina)

Hi everyone my name is Jimmy, I'm from North Carolina. I'm new to the powerbarclub alot of the others here. I just hope I can get myself out there to get some friends in my group. I tried my facebook site bit it won't send anything cause of spam filters. Anyway any and all help is welcome

thanks Jimmy.

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Jan 22, 2010
Basic Quesiton
by: Roberto

I have joined the PBC and I am pretty exited. One think that does not really make sense to me is why they had to make the PBC and Invite5 in two different websites. I think this can be confusing especially for People from Non-english speaking countrys.

Maybe I am missing the point her, but does anybody know why most poeple here in the forum advertise their PBC Link and not the Invite5 Link? I have asked this question in the Ivite5 support and they recomend to use the Invite5 Link. However, in PBC I read that it is recomended to give the PBC Link to friends and family and the Invite5 Link to Groups!? I just prefer to give the I5 Link since the Intro Video from PBC looks a little spamy and too good to be true and I guess I am not the only one that was not able to make usd 43945.00 in the first month.

An other thing that was quite surprising for me is that the Email from the I5 must be the same as the Paypal Email!? I mean give me a break, where did it say when I was signing up? Do I have to delete my account and start all over again?


Powerbar Club Video

Jan 14, 2010
Power bar on FaceBook
by: Penny

Hello Jimmy,

Our group had the same setback as well & some of us wrote to FB about it. For the meantime, we hope that this will help you. Try to go to this site it will allow you to change the name of your PBC referral link and still post it on Facebook. I've been using the converted link & it works just the same as my previous referral link.

Hope this helps.

Cheers! ! !

Dec 14, 2009
Support and Training For Powerbar Club
by: Zac


Here is a standard welcome I send my downline and encourage you to send to your direct referrals as they join to get them started on the right foot.

Be sure to read my advertising advertising instructions, they will help you immensely. And visit or support site included in this welcome email.

Here is the email be sure to copy it for future use.


I just wanted to say welcome to the POWERBAR CLUB and to our TEAM!!!

To help get You off on the right foot.... here is what I suggest you do to start:

1. Log in to your Powerbar Club back office.... here is the link again

2. Watch both the welcome video and the getting started video.

3. Above the videos you'll notice your PBC referral link that is the link you want to send out to everyone you know.

4. Watch these Youtube Videos: They are from the 1st two Powerbar Club Webinars and will help you understand even more about the company.

Webinar #1 part 1 -

Webinar #1 part 2 -

Webinar #2 part 1 -

Webinar #2 part 2 -

I'm really glad you decided to come aboard and if you have any additional questions or need help with anything at all please visit our team support group here:

We have a special group with staff and active members to help you.

As a member of our team, you are also welcome to use our free advertising site and PBC forums. Be sure to read the advertising instructions to help you maximize your advertisements.

Our team leader, Zac Hawkins has set all of this up just for our team. It's the reason we are the largest and fastest growing team within the entire PBC system.

Remember this is simply a numbers game so you want to share your PBC referral link with everyone you know and start getting in the habit of clicking and viewing 10 ads per day which will only take a few minutes as you will see. If we all do this same thing over and over then the income will follow.

Feel free to copy this email and send it to each of your direct referrals as soon as they sign up. (With your name attached of course.)

Again, welcome aboard!


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