zac hawkins marketing
internet marketing

HOW to work network markeying and MLM businesses

by Bill Fermano
(Phila )

OK the way these heavy hitters operate is to scream at you get more numbers to join grab thousands of numbers and it will turn into profit !


Grow relationships with your people talk to them tell them about your life treat them as you want to be treated a PERSON !

OK the i 5 business is being held back for now a big dissapointemnt to thousands of us ! BUT i truly belive that BOB Donelli will move forward with the 10 cent ads after he gets the add the alert marketed along with it !
Took some calling the guys at PBC and E mails but from what i read and heard HE is going forward !
Think about it for a minute ! WHY would i download the add the alert system if i wasnt making any money from the bussiness end ?
I'd simply say to BOB shove it buddy !
I lost people in my life to abductors also BOB lost his best friend eons ago !

SO YOU have to belive That HE has to move forward with the ads to keep people that already joined invite5 that wantto make money while also helping with the add the aleert system !
Which by the way aint working for me here !

keeps popping up an error i never saw before and i just removed from my system !

ain't getting no fixes for it either i have windows vista using the latest IE 8 browser !
IT worked fine on fire fox before now it aint working no matter what browser i use !

SO again i remind YOU treat YOUR people like people work with them helpthem any way you can then once the 10 cent ads go live your team will make YOU money and thier teams will make them money !

treat them as numbers you will get what you always get with other programs maybe 2% response rate which aint going to make a living

unless you had 500,000 in your downline then you have 10,000 active !

There aint no one in invite 5 any where that has that kind of list !

Because if they do they already are making millions from them in other things !

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