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Inviting nonprofit groups

by Lori

Non Profit Revenue Generator

Non Profit Revenue Generator

I was just wondering how the nonprofit group works?

For instance if it is a church building fund, they just get their members to sign up and click on the ads and in turn all the people that sign up .... give their money to the building fund? So all the money that the nonprofit organization goes to their fund raising.



You are partly right. Read my non profit fundraising page here. It will help you understand the unlimited potential there is for non profits and for profit companies.

Yes, a church group, research funding non-profit, and company already with a base of supporters or subscribers etc. Can join getthebar and customize their own toolbar with their own logo and much more at No Cost to them or their data base.

Now, when their base supporters/subscribers view ads the base supporters make money. BUT, the company also receives up to 43% of the ad revenue automatically by their base viewing by request ads online.

Everyone makes money! Of course their supporters have the option to donate any or all of their income generated by viewing the ads, but regardless the non-profit or any other company generates revenue automatically since their base supporters are their direct referrals.

Plus, it gets even better. When their base invites others, the company also generates revenue from them too, and so on, down to the 7th level.

This doesn't even take into account the the non-profit can sign up other companies for this no cost revenue generator and the sponsoring company would generate income from them too since they would be put in their first direct level.

Are you starting to see the big picture here?

This is the easiest and best way ever for non-profits to increase their revenue stream at no cost and within minutes!

They simply upload their data base if they choose, or simply put the word out to their supports with what ever method they choose.

Pretty simple yet brilliant at the same time.

Great question!

Best wishes,
Admin PBC Forum

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