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Perpetual Fundraiser For Your Non-Profit Organization

by Laura Miller

Free Online Non Profit Fundraiser

Free Online Non Profit Fundraiser

Now your supporters and staff can raise money for you without having to dip into their own pockets. They don't have to sell anything or ask anyone else for money either, and it will never cost you or them a dime!

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?
Believe me, I was skeptical too. But this really is free money.

I stumbled across this and I've been exploring it a little at a time and so far I haven't found any holes in it. It's a sort of new spin on MLM where you get a tiny percentage of what the advertiser pays each time you click on an ad.

By yourself you can only earn a few pennies a day, but you build a downline through your database of supporters and volunteers and the income builds gradually - potentially tens of thousands of dollars per month down through 7 levels of downline.

You don't have to sell anything or pay anything to join, just download a toolbar that fetches the ads for you and keeps track of your clicks, income and downline. The toolbar is safe - I have the toolbar on my computer and no spyware or malware has been detected in my daily computer scan for all things evil.

Where your organization comes in is you sign up at GetTheBar as an organization, then invite everyone you want (supporters, staff, volunteers, employees - you get the idea) to join, download the toolbar and click on a few ads a day.

As long as they sign up using the link you send them they are in your downline and everyone makes a little money on every click. The pennies add up to dollars and the dollars keep growing - ongoing fundraising with no work required from you!

Visit GetTheBar and click on the "Register" tab that floats on the left side of the screen. Complete the short form, customize your toolbar with your logo and share it with your database - all your past and current donors, staff, volunteers, everyone!

It doesn't cost them anything to participate, and they stand to make some money themselves. They'd be crazy not to join in the fun!

A side benefit to all of this is as people share the bar with their friends, it will grow your database, so you'll have more potential volunteers, supporters and donors.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will do my best to answer them for you.

Best wishes,

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Apr 27, 2010
Same Interest
by: James

Hi Laura,
I saw that we both are interested in the same arena. I just wanted to let you know that i have look at your program and it sounds like great for supporters.

I am a homebased business owner myself and i wanted to take this opportunity to share with you a program that i just found online that can help you save money and make additional income for your home-based business.

For more information about this program just copy and past the following link in your web browser and click enter. and let me know what you think!


Dec 02, 2009
Thanks Nadia!
by: Laura Miller

Thanks Nadia!
This has real potential to bring steady income to non profit organizations with very little effort. Sometimes it's easier for supporters to give a little time right from their home, than to give cash! And you're also likely to connect with new supporters who may not have known about you before. There's really no down side to this, I'm really excited about it!

Dec 01, 2009
I just wanted to rate it a five
by: nadia

:)I thought that was great.

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