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What this means TO you How to see it the real deal YOU must stay strong !
by Bill Fermano
THIS is what it's ABOUT
I'am sick of seeing so many syaing this aint working ! COME after us Go for the large Groups and Here's what will happen in just 3 months ! YOU land one large group that has say 5000 members AND the BEST Part the Team helps YOU close Big accounts ! All YOU need to do is GET the head decison makers info and enter it in theform with his name phone number and size of org. and whgat has been your contact with him what have you told him what are his or HER questions ! OK that 5000 will be 100% active because they will generate like $50000 a month for them YOU will earn like $10,000 a month from them ! ARE rich NOW ? YES I 'am i would feel rich with $120,000 a year coming in ! OK when the 10 cent ads go up only thing that cganges is ONLY you make 5 cents per ad clicked so thats all of about $15 a month for YOU ! It's not about making money anymore IT now saving lives of YOUNG children IF you DONT care about that then YOU are part of The problem and NOT the answer to help deter sex slavery of yung Kids and senseless murdering of children and abuse ! I have one Son but he is an adut 21 yr old DID i worry about HIM when he was a KID ? YOU bet i did WE never put Him in Harms way ! I can make a differnce now thats HUGE ! OK say YOU do NOT get one org at all ! BUT you referred just 100 people in your first level ! which can be done in less than a month with my help ! OK say YOU only get lowerr % than i'm seeing active now say only 20% go forwrad ! that will be 20 people that go out and duplicate what YOU did ! SEE this now how easy it is YOU taught YOUR people to DUPLICATE what YOU did ! 20 of THEM also referred people and even if they only refrred 10 people each which is riduculously easy YOU now have 200 People in level 2 ! stay with 20% activity thats 40 people now do the same thing 10 peeple each level 3 has 400 people in it OK you now have 80 active people in level 3 and we stop here so not to get into a long a message here 20 + 40 +80 = 140 fuly active people every day earn you .003 cents per ad ! thats 4.20 per day = $126 a month BUT i know it's more than that it gets multiplied by leveles when we had that income calcualtir to use ! I want it back up BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ! NO Bob dosent want us to focus on the money any more JUST promote the alert system People will find out after watching the Video that they can make a lot of Money IF you havent joinec i5 yet and want to join under me go here http://offto.net/savekids I show YOU how to at laest 1 refrral per day FREE no cost Benn using this resource for years ! I show YOU how to teach YOUR people to duplicate the Teams resources How to use the resources they gave us FREE How to do what I told YOU to DO and YOU will have a very active downline ! GET apst the small cahnge YOU see now SEE a few months down the road like 3 months from now ! OK i said it on last WED call wasnt to be mentioned again but it's known there will be 3 more ways to earn money for US ! DID YOU knowthat there more people using CELL PHONES and other mobile devices than Cmputers at home ? 3 X more and thats over 3 BILLION people world wide ! Imagine this YOU get 1000 of those peple all receveing text ads per day 10 per day I rember something these ads pay more % like 1 cent per ad to Y0U they earn 6 or 7 cents from each ! thats 10 $ per day = $300 a month extra per month ! belive me YOU will have 1000 people using cell phones theres over 3 billion world wide ! now add 2 more ways to view 10 ads per day all coming in phaze two so minum every one gets to view 40 ads per day ! wow about a whole 7 mins per day ! LOL i can do that between commercials on TV or when taking a dump in the Bathroom ! LOL shall we look at what YOU alone will earn with 40 ads per day viwed ? $2 a day $60 a month ! if YOU have 1000 people in level 1 doing same thing thats $3600 a mth more $3660.00 total = $43,920 for the YEAR and i would feel rich with that amount after living off of only $13,000 a year total for family from the GOVT ! What YOU need to do is find OUT YOUR "WHY" ? WHY do i Want to do this ? WHY am i here? WHY do i want my own home business ? I will give YOU one Reason WHY ? Not even a real nrick n mortar business has this ! F R E E D O M ! TO go and do anything YOU want to DO whenever YOU fell like IT and still be making Money while YOUR out on date ,or having sex in a motel with whomever YOU met , OR out at the movies or a weekend away at the beach or some resort ! IF you wnat to Join under me and GET referrals guarnteed FREE at laest 1 per day GO here http://offto.net/savekids I also show YOU how to guarantee YOU get 100% signups stop people from trying to join without YOR refr ID even tho they cannot they will try and when they see they cant THEY will not try again ! call me 1-215-780-0091 AFTER 10 AM Est USA or canada ONLY Regards Bill Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do. How? Simply click here to return to Powerbar Club. |
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