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What's Next? "How To Build My Powerbar Downline?"

by Michelle Brossia

How to Communicate with Level 2 and Beyond

How to Communicate with Level 2 and Beyond

Hi fellow members,

As I have stated many, many times before, I am a newbie at this. My question for the day is this...

How do you approach level 2 in your downline? I am up to 8 in level one, with 1 in level 2...where do I go from here?

I have sent an invite here along with a personal letter to my level 1 group, but am not able to contact my 2nd level.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.




You contact them through your contact with your direct 1st level referrals.

How you do this is you teach them to duplicate what you're doing, meaning reading the instructions here. Building effective pages relating to the PBC opportunity.

And then teaching their directs to do the same, and pass it on to their directs and so on and so on.

That's what we call leveraging the viral aspect of your downline. Get them involved here. Check out their posts and comment on them, with an ada boy or girl.

When you're on their pages, click the bookmark/share button and ping the page to twitter, facebook, any service you belong to on the list.

Keep building more pages yourself. You will continue to get better and better, and it becomes easier and easier.

You can then pass more on to your downline as you get more experienced and inspire them with updates about your team, our team, etc.

Great question Michelle.

I simply can't go into details like this on the instructions page, or it would become a book instead of a page! LOL

Admin PBC Forums

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Dec 18, 2009
regarding downlink
by: Anonymous

I have joined PBC under one of your downline. But not from this site. I just checked your site and found that he is on the list of your PBC member. I just want to ask, Could I get any help from you to build my downline?
Waiting for your reply.
my pbc ref link

Nov 20, 2009
See How Fast Questions Get Answered
by: Michelle

Thank you Zac and Robert for your quick and informative responses. With this team, we can't go wrong!

I was on the right track in sending new members a welcome letter letter and providing them with the links here along with basic information on some of the changes. What I didn't know until I had someone in level 2, was that I wouldn't have access to their email. lol

Now, I know to continually keep my level 1 people in the loop and stress the importance of them keeping there guys "in the know" as well.

I have grown overnite too...

Level 1 - 9
Level 2 - 3

and it's only going up from here! Newbies, ask those questions...they will get answered :)

Nov 20, 2009
Contacting your downline
by: Robert Champion

Hi Michelle,

Obliviously Zac has already answered your question here, but I just wanted to let you know what I do. Whenever I get a new member in my first line I send them a welcome email as soon as possible.

Along with that I update them on the how to use the power bar in its present state, due to the glitches being worked on. This way they are not surprised when they try to view ads, a little information and honesty goes a long way in keeping their interest. Plus it keeps them from getting discouraged and moving on. I also asked them to past the information on to their first line.

Also I try to update them with information from the webinars, because not everyone has a chance to log in and listen. I just give them the highlights and if they have questions I tell them to contact me.

Everyone is different on how they communicate with each other; this is just my way of trying to keep the lines open with my first line.

Robert Champion


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